Juicing for Health & Wellness

Attain optimal wellness by juicing for health with the FTMD lifestyle. If you’re looking to extend your longevity and avoid chronic diseases, juicing allows you to increase your intake of vegetables and fruit. Juicing these anti-inflammatory foods allow your body to absorb more concentrated nutrients for healthier living.

Juicing is a key part of the FoodTherapyMD method which enables us to achieve maximum disease prevention and reversal. We’ll work with you to develop a juicing plan that is rich in anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting phytonutrients, and tailored to your specific health requirements. Of course, juicing alone is not the path to optimal health, and must be used along with a complete nutritional plan. Our knowledgeable nutrition experts will help you understand how to get the most out of your juicing.

Nutrition Plans Tailored to You

There is so much misinformation out there about what you should eat and avoid in order to be healthy, but Dr. Stacy and the team at FoodTherapyMD has you covered. The first step in designing a nutrition plan is to work together to figure out your specific health needs and establish your health and wellness goals. We then use evidence-based nutritional medicine to develop a plan that incorporates the foods that will allow you to achieve maximal results. At FoodTherapyMD, we use a combination of juicing, blending, and eating whole plant foods, along with intermittent fasting and detoxification to achieve maximal health benefits.”

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Intermittent Fasting

The benefits of fasting are numerous and extensively researched, including improvements in blood sugar regulation, cardiovascular disease, cancer prevention and recovery, and weight management. Our intermittent fasting programs integrate juicing for health and optimal nutrient consumption while maintaining the benefits of fasting. If you’re looking to enhance your immune system and reduce inflammation in your body, speak to one of our health professionals, and we’ll work with you to start developing your plan.

Collection of brightly colored vegetables
Dr. Stacy in front of a cutting board with vegetables on it

Dedicated to Our Clients

Whole food plant-based nutrition is the optimal, science-backed way to achieve health and disease-free longevity. The programs provided by FoodTherapyMD are custom-tailored to the needs of each client, ensuring you consume all the specific nutrients you require to keep you functioning at your best. No matter how complex your health needs are, we strive to provide you with a food prescription that allows you to reach your health goals.”

Contact us to get started on your personalized food prescription. We proudly serve clients across the nation.